

Synergetic collaboration with existing European platforms, infrastructures, and innovation eco-systems in quantum technology.

Scientific & Technology

We will employ the framework and network of the Quantum technologies Flagship (especially CSA actions, QUCATS, QTEdu) to inform scientists and technologists from other quantum fields and actively seek further collaborations, as the technological advances brought forward by the project can be harnessed for the advancement of other fields of quantum technologies as well. Furthermore, HEISNGBERG, will exploit Quantum flagship QCN to approach larger number of stakeholders to collect and share information best practises in the field of quantum technologies across EU by taking advantage of consortium member prof. Pavlos Savvidis (FORTH) who is full member of QCN. Additionally, consortium’s SMEs will engage QuiC, so as to be aligned in terms of 1) market trends and intelligence, 2) intellectual property, 3) standards, 4) strategic roadmaps and 5) SME funding opportunities. Additionally, we expect that the annealing and optimization algorithms developed within the project framework will be of interest to the broader quantum simulations community and will thus offer an avenue for developing synergetic collaborations with other quantum simulator platforms and projects with the aim of cross benchmarking the execution of optimization algorithms across different platforms to compare fidelity of the solutions, execution time and power consumption. We expect that the advances brought forward by the project will also stimulate the European technology and innovation ecosystems to further develop and optimize devices and solutions, like SLMs, that can advance the technology proposition of HEISINGBERG further.


Short Term: Explore collaboration to fine tune HEISINGBERG’s value proposition within Quantum Flagship.

Medium/Long Term: Cross-benchmark HEISINGBERG solutions with other existing platforms from European Institutes and SMEs.


HEISINGBERG will contribute to the widening of quantum technology synergies by organizing/participating within the next four years in 10 workshops and networking sessions between EU initiatives, academia, and industry stakeholders, as part of the collaboration meetings side events.

Increased diversity of information processing technologies platforms exploiting non-classical information theory approaches.

Scientific & Technology:

HEISINGBERG’s technology is based on the paradigm of SPIMs which is a new direction in the realm of quantum optical simulators and thus of non-classical information theory. The maturation of this technology and of the underlying physical concepts through the successful implementation of the project’s objectives, will de-facto diversify the field of information processing technologies, firmly establishing a competitive new approach for designing novel quantum optical simulators that is based on the synergy between free space quantum optics with large scale diffractive optical elements. This development will open the way for researchers involved in quantum optics to engage constructively with this new emerging discipline, imbuing it with their own expertise and insights and thus stimulating further the growth of this new emergent field.


Short Term: Quantum spatial XY simulator establishing a new architecture paradigm for ambient optical quantum simulation.

Medium Term: HEISINGBERG’s paradigm could become a leading architecture in the quest for quantum computation in the EU as well as worldwide, due to its advantageous operational characteristics, rivalling other currently more prevalent approaches.

Long Term: A new generation of all optical quantum simulators based on HEISINGBERG’s physical and engineering principles could be developed making optical quantum computing a major high-end computational domain.


HEISINGBERG platform is based on SLMs for spin encoding. A successful demonstration will reveal the technological advantages of SPIM quantum simulators, against current solutions, stimulating current diffractive optics technology companies (i.e., Hamamatsu, Holoeye) to improve SLMs or adopt novel approaches to augment their performance from Hz to MHZ [38].